Ballots, as well as committee emails, documents, and membership lists, can be found on Forums, ASABE’s secure platform for conducting committee work. Logged-in users have access only to the Forums for those committees on which he or she has membership. Learn more about using Forums here.

To vote on a standards ballot, log in to the website using your current user ID and password. Contact the committee administrator if you need assistance.

Your personalized landing page will display a message module indicating any open ballots. Items for which your action is still required will be signified with a red flag. Once you have voted, it will turn green but the ballot will remain accessible for review or amendment until the ballot period ends.

The ballot will contain attachments comprising all of the documents necessary to make an informed decision.

Comment Template

When commenting on a document, please use the comment template attached to the ballot. Begin by downloading the template and saving it as a .doc file. Add your comments to the template, following the guidelines below. When finished, upload the document as an attachment to the ballot.

  • When entering text in the template, do not adjust column width. Doing so complicates consolidation of responses and puts your comments at risk for corruption or deletion.
  • Carefully identify the location of the text in question, citing the section in the Clause/Subclause column, and paragraphs, figures, and tables in the Paragraph/figure/table column.
  • Comments requesting text edits must include suggested copy. Nonspecific comments, such as “Needs work” or “Disagree,” are typically disregarded