Our goal is to provide relevant information for young professionals in their early career stage or in graduate school.
The YPC is always looking for those desiring more involvement. There is a range of opportunities with varying time commitments to fit you. Please contact a current YPC Executive Committee member for more information.
- Bring young professionals into ASABE professional membership.
- Promote the transition from preprofessional/student membership.
- Confront issues facing young professionals and provide necessary training and discussion.
- Provide a social body that extends networking opportunities to its members.
- Promote society objectives among YPC members.
- Foster formation of young professional communities at the section level.

Annual International Meeting (AIM) - YPC Sponsored Events
- Dinner Social – This is an opportunity to meet other young professionals!
- Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Courses – YPC puts together CPDs that focus on skills and tools that young professionals focus on in their career.
- Fun Run/Walk - The YPC organizes an Annual Fun Run/Walk Sunday morning of the ASABE Annual International Meeting. All the proceeds support future YPC events focused o
n young member retention during the transition from student to professional.
- Annual Meeting Orientation - The YPC hosts an annual informational session entitled "What You Didn't Know About ASABE" from 7:00 to 8:00 am Monday just prior to the general session of the ASABE Annual International Meeting.
- Graduate Student Social - This event will provide an informal setting for graduate students from all over the world to meet up, socialize, and make connections with each other.
- Guide to Professional Licensure - Studying for a Fundamentals of Engineering or Professional Licensure Exam? Or just have questions about Professional Licensure? ISB, YPC and PEI, bring you an opportunity to ask our panel of registered Professional Engineers questions and get answers related to the FE or PE exam and professional practice
- Local Production Agriculture Invited Speaker - Join the YPC for a dive into local production agriculture.
- Local Agricultural Tour – Join the YPC sponsored tour to learn more about the local production agriculture.
- Graduate Student Professional Development Event - An invited panel of esteemed members of our society from different academic and professional backgrounds will share their experiences with current and future graduate students.
- Graduate Student Involvement Committee Meeting - Have ideas, thoughts, or concerns about AIM’s events for graduate students? Looking to get more involved with YPC and ASABE? We would love to have you!
- YPC Business Meeting - Join us for the Young Professional Community Business Meeting to discuss YPC programming throughout the year and at AIM. Come to learn how the YPC can better serve you and the 34 and younger community and what leadership opportunities are available.
YPC Task Forces
The YPC also evaluates areas that help support overall ASABE strategic goals. These task forces deal with society programs from a young professional perspective. These task forces are open to the entire young professional community. If you are interested in being involved on our current task forces listed below, please email: ypc@asabe.org.
Current Task Forces
- Annual International Meeting YPC Events
- Local Section Involvement
- Young Professional Outreach
- International Communication and Outreach
- Technical Committee Involvement
- “Graphics on Call” – Promotional Communications
- Graduate Student Involvement
- Sustainable Footprint for Conferences
Do you think there is an area of discussion or issue that YPC should form a committee to focus on? Submit a Task Force idea using the form in the YPC Tools.
YPC Projects Using Initiative Funds
- Leadership Conference
- AIM Childcare Services
- Standards Video
The following video was produced by the YPC.