
About the Profession

Agricultural and Biological Engineering is the discipline of engineering that applies engineering principles and the fundamental concepts of biology to agricultural and biological systems and tools, ranging in scale from molecular to ecosystem level, for the safe, efficient and environmentally sensitive production, processing, and management of agricultural, biological, food, and natural resources systems.

--ASABE Board of Trustees, Agricultural and Biological Engineering within ASABE - Definition

Agricultural and biological engineers ensure that we have the necessities of life. They help provide safe and plentiful food and water, clean fuel and energy sources, and a healthy environment. 

Agricultural and biological engineers. . .

  • Devise practical, efficient solutions for producing, storing, transporting, processing, and packaging agricultural products
  • Solve problems related to systems, processes, and machines that interact with humans, plants, animals, microorganisms, and biological materials
  • Develop responsible, alternative uses of agricultural products, byproducts, and wastes and of our natural resources—soil, water, air, and energy

And they do all this with a constant eye toward protecting people, animals, and the environment.



Looking for a great career path? 

Are you a middle or high school student exploring career options? If you enjoy math and science, check out the amazing things you can do through  agricultural and biological engineering. If you like agriculture but think you'd prefer less emphasis on advanced math and science, maybe a career in agricultural systems & technology management is right for you.

Learn more here.