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Publications Council

The Publications Council promotes and manages the papers and publications of the Society. It consists of representatives from each technical community and the publications committees, liaisons, and representatives from other groups.

P-511 Journal Editorial Board

This board guides the activities related to peer review and publication policy for the publication of the Journal of the ASABE, Applied Engineering in Agriculture, Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, and other publications as directed by the Publications Council. The committee consists of the journals' Editor in Chief and the community editor for each technical community. Meetings are held quarterly. Committee members along with the associate editors of their community are listed on our website.

P-513 Resource Editorial Board

This board assists the headquarters publications staff in determining what is required by readers of membership publications and recommends how the publications can better serve the members.

P-515 Textbooks and Monographs

This committee encourages the writing of textbooks and monographs on appropriate subjects related to engineering and technology for agricultural, biological, food, forest, and other related interests to Society members.

Community Publication Committees

Each technical community has a publications committee that typically consists of the Community Editor (CE) and several Associate Editors (AE) for journals.

ASE-05 Publications

Coordinates peer review of manuscripts for the ASE technical community. No Members assigned to this committee at this time.

EOPD-04 Refereed Publications Review and Paper Awards

Coordinates peer review of manuscripts for ASABE journals and recommends papers to M-141 committee for award consideration.

ES-04 Publications Review

Reviews papers and manuscripts for the Energy Systems technical community.

ESH-04/1 Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health (JASH)

Responsible for activities that shall include, but are not limited to, participation on the P-511 Journal Editorial Board and oversight of the Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health publication procedures, practices and awards.

ITSC-04 Publications Review & Paper Awards

Coordinates peer review of manuscripts for ASABE journals and selects the technical community's paper awards.

MS-04 Publications Review

Coordinates peer review of machine systems manuscripts for ASABE refereed journals.

NRES-05 Publications Review

Coordinates peer review of NRES manuscripts for ASABE refereed journals.

PAFS-05 Publications Review

Coordinates peer review of plant, animal, and facility systems manuscripts for ASABE refereed journals.

PRS-04 Publications

Coordinates all major Processing Systems publications activities.